Saturday, 2 November 2024

Feynman, a complicated legacy

Ethan Siegel is the author of the “Starts with a Bang” newsletter on BigThink, which is a great read and I recommend it to everyone interested in the latest developments in Astronomy, but also in Physics in general. He is also a facebook friend. In his Nov 1st newsletter Ethan addresses a question from one of his readers, which ends with: “It seems to me that you have a somewhat ambivalent relationship with R. Feynman. Is there a deeper reason for this?”. Ethan here gives a very detailed answer acknowledging Feynman’s scientific accomplishments before going on to highlight some of Feynman’s more controversial character aspects, and I certainly agree with his conclusion that “We can rightfully laud [Feynman] for his great accomplishments while still being critical of his unacceptable behaviors, and I would argue we have an obligation to share the full truth about Feynman, both the physicist and the human being, with subsequent generations of scientists and science-literate citizens.” But after reading the whole article, and not finding anything specific I could disagree with, I was left with a feeling that something was missing, and it took me a while to fully conceptualise the origins of my discomfort and put it down to words.

Feynman was born in 1918, was mostly active during the 40s to the 60s, and died in 1988 when he was 69 years old. He was successfully treated for abdominal cancer in 1980, but then the cancer came back with a vengeance in 1988, at which point it had gotten so bad that Feynman refused treatment. In many ways his social views were a product of his time, yet his patterns of behaviour were not predictably consistent. Ethan’s article does a good job of pointing out the negatives, when viewed anachronistically through a modern lens, but in leaving out the aspects of Feynman’s character that made him “curious”, ends up with an incomplete picture of who Feynman really was as a person.

Fundamentally, Feynman was an iconoclast, and it is through this lens that his character contradictions can be reconciled. He was also a prankster with  little regard for authority. While working for the Manhattan project, he famously amused himself by breaking into secure safes containing nuclear secrets—not to undermine the project, but to expose how lax security was. Sometimes he would even leave notes in the safes, like “I borrowed document no. LA4312–Feynman the safecracker.” He loved the arts and was an avid bongo player who also learned to paint for fun (even holding an exhibition under a pseudonym), occasionally having intense discussions about art vs. science with his artist/mentor/friend Jirayr “Jerry” Zorthian (check out the Ode to a Flower monologue). An older contemporary colleague of his from Caltech once told me that Feynman could sometimes be found smoking weed in the Professor’s common room, much to the chagrin of everyone else. He was also a regular at the local strip club, and knew all the girls working there. He would pick up an orange juice from the bar (by that time he wasn’t a big fan of alcohol), together with a bunch of napkins or place mats, and he would watch the show or just sit there and think, scribbling down equations on the napkins, alone or with company. This was the kind of environment he felt more at ease in and he actually did quite a number of his calculations in that place. When the county tried to close the place down on account of “uncovered breasts”, he was the bar’s only regular customer willing to come forward and testify publicly in court in defense of the bar. 

Such stories reveal Feynman as a gadfly—a horsefly, if you will—who delighted in seeing how the social and academic order would reconfigure itself when challenged. He cared little for social norms or accolades and famously eschewed honorary degrees and pomp. His devotion was to truth, inquiry, and the freedom to explore without inhibition.

Ethan’s article rightly discusses the biases prevalent in academia during Feynman’s time (and later) and how he sometimes mirrored those biases. Like most people of his time, it doesn’t seem like Feynman had carefully thought through the harmful implications of maintaining these problematic attitudes. Take, for example, a talk he gave in 1966 at the National Science Teachers Association. The topic he was asked to talk about was “What is Science?”, a title that he didn’t really like. It is a fantastic talk and I strongly encourage everyone to read the transcript, but it is also a product of its time. At some point during this talk Feynman says the following: 

“I listened to a conversation between two girls, and one was explaining that if you want to make a straight line, you see, you go over a certain number to the right for each row you go up–that is, if you go over each time the same amount when you go up a row, you make a straight line–a deep principle of analytic geometry! It went on. I was rather amazed. I didn’t realize the female mind was capable of understanding analytic geometry. She went on and said, “Suppose you have another line coming in from the other side, and you want to figure out where they are going to intersect.  Suppose on one line you go over two to the right for every one you go up, and the other line goes over three to the right for every one that it goes up, and they start twenty steps apart,” etc.–I was flabbergasted.  She figured out where the intersection was. It turned out that one girl was explaining to the other how to knit argyle socks.“ 

This passage clearly comes across as sexist, reflecting the prevalent attitudes of that time. However, what is more revealing about how Feynman thought, is what comes after it. Feynman doesn’t end there, but continues the thought in this fashion: “I, therefore, did learn a lesson: The female mind is capable of understanding analytic geometry. Those people who have for years been insisting (in the face of all obvious evidence to the contrary) that the male and female are equally capable of rational thought may have something. The difficulty may just be that we have never yet discovered a way to communicate with the female mind.” 

Feynman here seems to acknowledge the possibility that systemic issues, rather than innate differences, limited women’s participation in science. But he offers no solution to this problem and moves back to his main topic. He does not own it as his problem to solve for the whole of the country. Society for him is one thing, the scientific enterprise another, and he is primarily interested in the latter. 

Richard Feynman also had a younger sister, Joan. Although they were separated by nine years, Joan and Richard were close, as Joan was also very curious about how the world worked. Their mother was a sophisticated woman who had marched for women’s suffrage in her youth, but believed that women lacked the capacity to understand maths and physics. Despite that negative attitude at home, the young Richard encouraged Joan’s interest in science. From a very young age, he would train her to solve simple math problems and rewarded each correct answer by letting her tug on his hair while he made funny faces. By the time she was 5, Richard was hiring her for 2 cents a week to assist him in the electronics lab he’d built in his room. Joan grew up to become an astrophysicist, crediting her brother’s mentorship as a key influence. In his later years, Richard became acutely aware of the discrimination women faced in physics, because he saw how it affected his sister. For her part, Joan Feynman was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Science Achievement medal in 2002, for her continued support and encouragement for women to persevere and make their marks in science.

Feynman’s first marriage, to Arline Greenbaum, adds another layer of complexity. They were high-school sweethearts and by all accounts their love was profound and marked by mutual respect. Feynman wrote her heartfelt letters that revealed his deep admiration for her intellect and spirit. Arline was sick for a long time, even before their marriage, and eventually died of tuberculosis in 1945, while Richard was working on the Manhattan project. When she was near death, he rushed from Los Alamos to be by her side. You can read here a remarkable letter he wrote two years after Arlene’s death, where he pours out his heart. The letter was discovered in a stash of old letters by Feynman’s biographer James Gleick.

Arline Greenbaum and Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman got married again in 1952 to Mary Louise Bell. This second marriage was difficult, strained by differences in temperament and lifestyle choices, and ended in divorce. Mary had very conservative views and they quarrelled often. She was so fed up with his obsession with calculus and physics and reported that on several occasions, when she disturbed his calculations, which he would sometimes even do while he was lying in bed at night, or his bongo playing, he would fly into a rage. She filed for divorce in 1956. His third marriage, to Gweneth Howarth, who shared his enthusiasm for travelling and playfulness, was far more harmonious.

In the book “What do YOU care about what other people think?” Feynman recalls an incident where feminist protesters (led by a man, ironically) entered a hall and picketed a lecture he was about to make in San Francisco, holding up placards and handing out leaflets calling him a "sexist pig". As soon as he got up to speak, some of the protesters marched to the front of the lecture hall and, holding their placards signs high, started chanting “Feynman sexist pig!”. Instead of reacting defensively, Feynman addressed the protesters saying: “Perhaps, after all, it is good that you came. For women do indeed suffer from prejudice and discrimination in Physics, and your presence here today serves to remind us of these difficulties and the need to remedy them”.

Feynman’s attitudes certainly weren’t those of a consistent advocate for gender equality, as we might expect today, but they weren’t wholly regressive either. The idea of dismantling systemic barriers wasn’t part of his worldview, but he was not resistant to change and was willing to support those who defied convention.

Criticisms of Feynman’s legacy through the lens of presentism risks overlooking the full complexity of his character and how progressive some of his views were for his time. He was a complicated individual, whose brilliance was tempered by human imperfections.

He achieved remarkable things in his lifetime and inspired many physicists that came after him, both male and female. 

As with every figure who has left a mark on the landscape of history, fairness requires that we should be honest about who he was, acknowledging both his achievements and flaws, while considering the context of his time. His legacy cannot be flattened into an uncomplicated hero or villain narrative. 

Perhaps Feynman's most enduring legacy is to remind us that progress is born from questioning, curiosity, and the willingness to defy convention --all driven by the joy of discovery. To reduce such a complicated life to binary judgments, to refuse to celebrate it, pointing out warts and all, would be to forget why we study these figures at all—to question, to learn, and to grow.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Great Misinterpretation: How Palestinians View Israel - Haviv Rettig Gur

This is a good lecture about some of the less discussed aspects of the history of Zionism and the historical development of the Palestinian perspective. Haviv Rettig Gur is political correspondent and senior analyst for The Times of Israel.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco

On the 25th of April 1995, Umberto Eco delivered a speech with the title “Ur-fascism” at Columbia University, commemorating the liberation of Europe. Shortly after, it was published in The New York Review of Books. The text was conceived for an audience of American students and the speech was given during a time of heightened awareness of right-wing extremism, following the Oklahoma City bombing. Eco tailored his message for this context, linking anti-Fascist themes to contemporary issues, urging reflection on the dangers of resurgent totalitarian ideologies across the world.

In the text, Eco highlights the enduring and adaptable nature of fascism, which can appear in various forms without a strict ideology. Eco identifies 14 characteristics of what he terms "Ur-Fascism" or “eternal fascism”, a set of traits that cannot be regimented into a system, many of which are mutually exclusive and are typical of other forms of despotism or fanaticism. But all you need is one of them to be present, and a Fascist nebula will begin to coagulate. Here they are, in summary:

  1. Cult of Tradition
    Fascism glorifies tradition, combining diverse, often contradictory elements into a single mythic past. This reliance on the past resists change and rational progress, promoting the belief that all truth has already been revealed. 

  2. Rejection of Modernism
    Ur-Fascism sees Enlightenment values—rationalism, skepticism, and individualism—as corruptions of society. Though it may appear modern on the surface, fascism seeks to undo the intellectual and social advancements of modernity.

  3. Action for Action’s Sake
    Fascists glorify action without thought. For them, reflection or hesitation is a weakness, and physical action is seen as inherently virtuous, fostering a culture of violence and immediate responses.

  4. Disagreement is Treason
    Critical thinking and questioning are viewed as betrayal. Fascist ideology demands loyalty and submission, presenting any dissent as dangerous opposition to the collective unity.

  5. Fear of Difference
    Ur-Fascism thrives on the fear of "others," exploiting anxieties about race, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. Fascism builds its identity by defining enemies and positioning itself as the defender of purity.

  6. Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class
    Fascism targets a disillusioned middle class suffering from economic instability or political discontent, often promising to restore their lost status and identity by attacking perceived threats from both the elite and lower classes.

  7. Obsession with a Plot
    Conspiracy theories are a staple of Ur-Fascism, fueling paranoia and a sense of being constantly under siege. Whether the "enemy" is internal or external, the fascist regime thrives on the notion of an omnipresent threat.

  8. Enemies are Both Strong and Weak
    Fascism portrays its enemies as simultaneously overwhelming and weak. The enemy is powerful enough to threaten society, yet weak enough to be easily defeated, allowing fascism to justify its aggression.

  9. Life is Permanent Warfare
    Fascism presents life as a continuous struggle, glorifying conflict and war as necessary for survival. Peace is undesirable because it undermines the fascist narrative of eternal battle against enemies.

  10. Contempt for the Weak
    In fascist ideology, strength is celebrated, and weakness is despised. The strong are worthy of power, while the weak deserve their plight, reinforcing a hierarchical social order based on superiority.

  11. Cult of Heroism
    Ur-Fascism idolizes the heroic death, promoting martyrdom and the sacrifice of life for the cause. In this worldview, heroism is not an exception but an expectation, with individuals urged to die for the nation or leader.

  12. Machismo and Weaponry
    Fascist regimes glorify hyper-masculinity, with an emphasis on military prowess and physical domination. This machismo extends to weaponry, where violence becomes a surrogate for sexual power and authority.

  13. Selective Populism
    Fascism claims to represent "the people" but only a specific, pure section. It manipulates the masses through emotional appeals while rejecting pluralism and the complexities of democracy, often through charismatic leadership.

  14. Newspeak
    Fascist regimes simplify language to prevent critical thought. By reducing vocabulary and controlling discourse, they limit the tools for reasoning and debate, ensuring that the populace remains docile and uncritical.

He concludes the essay by pointing out that ur-fascism is still around us, sometimes in civilian clothes, and can return in the most innocent of guises. Our duty is to unmask it and to point the finger at each of its new forms - every day, in every part of the world. Freedom and liberation are never-ending tasks -- and this should not be forgotten.

Saturday, 23 March 2024

Eίναι το σύμπαν παλαιότερο απ όσο νομίζουν οι επιστήμονες; Μάλλον όχι.

Θα προσπαθήσω να εξηγήσω γιατί τα πράγματα δέν είναι ακριβώς έτσι όπως τα παρουσιάζει το συγκεκρμένο, κατά τα άλλα καλό, άρθρο. Όσοι δέν έχετε χρόνο ή ορεξη να διαβάσετε τα πώς και τα γιατί, το βασικό συμπέρασμα απο αυτά που θα γράψω παρακάτω είναι οτι οι αστρονομική κοινότητα που κάνει έρευνα στο θέμα αμφισβητεί έντονα, για πολύ καλούς λόγους, οτι τα νέα δεδομένα επηρρεάζουν ουσιαστικά τους μεχρι τώρα υποaλογισμούς της ηλικίας του Σύμπαντος και δέν παίρνει και πολύ στα σοβαρά τη συγκεκριμένη επιστημονική δημοσίευση. Οι μετρήσεις και οι μελέτες βέβαια συνεχίζονται.

Πάμε λοιπόν να δούμε τί παίζει. Βαθιά ανάσα. Το άρθρο που τάραξε τα νερά και περιλήψεις του οποίου έφτασαν να τραβήξουν την προσοχή των δημοσιογράφων(1), είναι αυτό Μήν ανησυχείτε άν δέν καταλαβαίνετε γρί, έκανα παρουσίαση αυτού του άρθρου σε ένα σεμινάριο εδώ και το ξεκοκκαλίσαμε με τους συναδέλφους, οπότε σας καταλαβαίνω. Εμείς τουλάχιστον πληρωνόμαστε να μαζοχιζόμαστε έτσι. Δημοσιεύτηκε πέρσι απο έναν μόνο επιστήμονα, θεωρητικό, ονόματι Rajendra Gupta, και έχει μέχρι σήμερα συγκεντρώσει μόνο 13 αναφορές απο άλλα επιστημονικά άρθρα. Στην επιστημονική κοινότητα ακούγονται γρύλλοι δηλαδή παρ όλη την φασαρία που γίνεται στα media. Τί λέει το άρθρο; Οτι κάποιες καινούριες παρατηρήσεις γαλαξιών σε πολύ νεαρή ηλικία δεν ταιριάζουν με τις προβλέψεις των ώς τώρα επικρατέστερων μοντέλων της εξέλιξης του Συμπαντος(2). Γιατί; Γιατί αυτοί οι πολύ πρώιμοι γαλαξίες είναι ήδη τόσο ανεπτυγμένοι  που δέν μπορούμε να εξηγήσουμε το μέγεθός τους με αυτό το μοντέλο. Πότε πρόλαβαν να γίνουν τόσο μεγάλοι; Δέν υπάρχει αρκετός χρόνος. Άρα, λέει ο Gupta, το Σύμπαν πρέπει να είναι παλιότερο απ όσο νομίζουμε, αλλιώς δέν φτάνουν τα κάστανα. Νά, πάρτε κι εδώ λέει τους υπολογισμούς, ορίστε.

Το βασικό κόκκινο σημαιάκι (red flag) εδώ, για όσουν τουλάχιστον ασχολούνται με το θέμα, είναι οτι βασίζεται σε μοντέλα εξέλιξης γαλαξιών για να κριτικάρει κοσμολογικά μοντέλα. Δηλαδή, είναι λίγο σάν να προσπαθεί να βγάλει συμπεράσματα για το τί εστί Καστανιά, κοιτώντας τα τσόφλια. Τέλος πάντων, πάμε παρακάτω. Συνεχίζει μετά και λέει, πώς όμως μπορούμε να κάνουμε το Σύμπαν αρχαιότερο ωστε να υπάρχει αρκετός χρόνος να μεγαλώσουν αρκετά οι γαλαξίες και να είναι όπως τους βλέπουμε; Ανασύρει λοιπόν απο τα σκονισμένα κιτάπια μια παλιά θεωρία, αυτή του «κουρασμένου φωτός»,  απ τη δεκαετία του 1920. Τη δεκαετία δηλαδή που οι αστρονόμοι τρωγόντουσαν για το άν το σύμπαν είναι στατικό ή εάν διαστέλλεται. Η θεωρία του «κουρασμένου φωτός», οτι το φώς δηλαδή χάνει ενέργεια όσο μακρύτερα ταξιδεύει στο σύμπαν, αποτελούσε τμήμα της θεωρίας του στατικού σύμπαντος, και σταδιακά εγκαταλείφθηκε με την πάροδο των δεκαετιών γιατί αδυνατούσε να εξηγήσει τις παρατηρήσεις(3). Ο Gupta όμως έχει έναν άσσο στο μανίκι του: Μιά ιδέα του Dirac απο το 1937. Ποιά ιδέα; Τί κι άν οι κοσμολογικές σταθερές δέν είναι σταθερές, αλλά μεταβάλλονται με την πάροδο του χρόνου(4); Αυτές οι σταθερές λοιπόν δέν είναι πλέον σταθερές στο μοντέλο του Gupta, αλλά γίνονται μεταβλητές! Όσο περισσότερες μεταβλητές έχεις στο μοντέλο σου, τόσο πιο εύκολο είναι να το κάνεις να προσαρμοστεί στα δεδομένα. Ο John von Neumann (1903-1957), τουλάχιστον σύμφωνα με μια δήλωση του Fermi το 1953, θέλοντας να κριτικάρει την εισαγωγή επιπέον παραμέτρων για να ταιριάξει ένα μοντέλο με τα δεδομένα όταν δέν συντρέχουν απολύτως απαραίτητοι λόγοι, είχε πεί: «Με τέσσερις παραμέτρους σου περιγράφω έναν ολόκληρο ελέφαντα, με πέντε στον κάνω να κουνάει και την προβοσκίδα του». Άλλο κόκκινο σημαιάκι κι αυτό.

Πάμε τώρα λίγο να δούμε κάποια πρακτικά θέματα. Πρώτον, το θέμα της μορφολογίας αυτών των Γαλαξιών, πάνω στους οποίους βασίζεται η ανάλυση του Gupta. Έστω κι άν δεχθούμε οτι οι μάζες αυτών των Γαλαξιών είναι όπως ακριβώς μας δείχνουν αυτές οι νέες μετρήσεις, που είναι πολύ νωρίς ακόμα για τα πούμε κάτι τέτοιο με βεβαιότητα, οι πυκνότητές τους και η μορφολογία τους είναι συμβατές με τις τρέχουσες εκτιμήσεις, οπότε δέν φαίνεται να υπάρχει πρόβλημα απο αυτή την πλευρά. Δεύτερον, το «κουρασμένο φώς» δέν έχει μόνο θέμα με την ομοιογένεια της ακτινοβολίας υποβάθρου. Δέν μπορεί να τα βγάλει πέρα ούτε με το anisotropy, ούτε, φερ’ ειπείν, με το Sunyaev-Zeldovic effect (κοιτάξτε τα στην Wikipedia άν θέλετε να μάθετε περισσότερα). Κι όχι μόνο με αυτά, αλλά έχει και πρόβλημα με τα δεδομένα απο τον τομέα των SΝe Ia (Υπερκαινοφανών τύπου Ια). Δέν του βγαίνει, τί να κάνουμε.

Τέλοσπαντων, το τράβηξα πολύ και θα το κόψω εδώ. Τα καλά νέα είναι οτι υπάρχουν τρόποι να τσεκάρουμε άν όντως το Σύμπαν είναι παλαιότερο απ’ότι μέχρι σήμερα νομίζαμε. ‘Ενας απο αυτούς είναι να βρούμε πληθυσμό αστέρων με ηλικίες μεγαλύτερες απο την ηλικία του σύμπαντος, όπως την υπολογίζουμε σήμερα(6). Το τηλεσκόπιο
JWST, όπως και άλλα που σχεδιάζονται στο μέλλον, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να κάνουν τέτοιες παρατηρήσεις, οπότε θα μπορέσουμε να μάθουμε.

Κάποια απο αυτά που έγραψα εδώ, και διάφορα άλλα πορβλήματα με την εργασία του Gupta, τα εξηγεί πολύ καλύτερα ο κοσμολόγος (και blogger) Ethan Siegel εδώ

Αυτά. Πάω για καφέ.

(1) Γι αυτό κυρίως ευθύνεται μια εντελώς clickbait press release απο το Πανεπιστήμιο της Οττάβα, οπου δουλεύει ο Gupta.

(2) Συγκεκριμένα αναφέρεται στη στάνταρ ΛCDM κοσμολογία. Η ΛCDM κοσμολογία σίγουρα έχει κάποια προβλήματα αλλά βασίζεται και υποστηρίζεται απο πραγματικά τεράστιο όγκο παρατηρήσεων. Γκουγκάρετε ας πούμε “What observational evidence supports ΛCDM cosmology?”.

(3)  (ειδικότερα είχε μεγάλο πρόβλημα με την ακτνοβολία υποβάθρου).

(4) Συγκεκριμένα αναφέρεται στις σταθερές fine-structure constant α, gravitational constant G, και proton-to-electron mass ratio μ.

(5) “With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.”

(6) Έχουν ήδη βρεθεί ορισμένα αστέρια με πολύ μεγάλες ηλικίες αλλά οι αβεβαιότητες μεταξύ ανταγωνιστικών μοντέλων είναι προς το παρόν μεγάλες.